NUMERICA Feat BLANCHE BAILLY - Favor Lyrics | Kamerlyrics
Lyrics for "Favor" by NUMERICA

Album: Adrénaline

Year: 2019

(c) 2019 Arise Entertainment




Please do a favor Blanche on the hit
Would you do me a favor
Whine it girl, cat walk for me girl (gpèsouè)
Come on girl
Shoop it up for me you know I like that
Poupée, aujourd’hui je t’appelle ainsi
Tourne-toi que je mate bien ta lingerie
Façon tu bouges ton corps chérie
Aucun doute, mes pensées  n’ont plus de limite
Ralentir non c’est pas une option
M’embrasser pour ça j’affectionne
Tes mains baladeuses sur moi bébé eeh

Aye Aye (Ayayaye)
Aye Aye (Ayayaye)
That girl she bad ooooh oh
The sexy things that you do girl
Aye Aye (Ayayaye)
Aye Aye (Ayayaye)
That girl she bad ooooh oooh
The sexy things that you do girl

I just want a favor
Please do me the favor
I just want the favor girl ayi aye
I just want a favor
Please do me the favor
I just want the favor girl ayi aye

[Oh boy please do me a favor
Façon ton corps est tracé
I just  want  a favor
Won’t you play on me
Things that you do me
Am loving this play
Just want a favor
Right now right here

Ayayaye ooohoo (Boy you bad oh)
Ayayaye, Aye Aye  (The sexy things that you do girl)
Ayayaye ooohoo (that boy you bad oh)
Ayayaye, Aye Aye
The sexy things that you do girl

I just want a favor
Please do me the favor
I just want the favor girl ayi aye
I just want a favor
Please do me the favor
I just want the favor girl ayi aye

I just want a favor (favor)
Please do me the favor (favor)
I just want the favor girl ayi aye
I just want a favor
Please do me the favor
I just want the favor girl ayi aye

Ayayaye ooohoo
Ayayaye ooohoo
Ayayaye ooohoo
That girl she bad oh
The sexy things that you do girl



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