ZENOBIA GERMOH - Mighty God Lyrics | Kamerlyrics

Mighty God


Lyrics for "Mighty God" by ZENOBIA GERMOH

Album: The Unlimited GOd

Year: 2018




Come on everybody. People from every tribe, tongue and nations…. It's time to give God some praise. is there anyone in the house who have a joyful song?, Come on, praise the Lord, oh my soul......

What a mighty God we serve
Jehovah is the mighty God we serve
Who is like unto thee
Great is thy faithfulness
You alone my strength and my shield

What a mighty God we serve
Jehovah is the mighty God we serve
Who is like unto thee
Great is thy faithfulness
You alone my strength and my shield

My soul magnify the Lord
And my spirit glorify his name

You are awesome, Lord you are awesome
You are awesome and wonderful
You are awesome, you are awesome
You are awesome and wonderful

Sing my soul…
My soul magnify the Lord (and sy spirit)
And my spirit glorify his name (my soul..)
My soul magnify the Lord (and sy spirit)
And my spirit glorify his name

You are awesome, you are awesome Lord
You are awesome and wonderful
You are awesome, you are awesome Lord
You are awesome and wonderful

Helelelele.. . Helemama..

You are awesome, awesome.
I love you Lord with all my heart
My body soul and my mind
No one else can compare to you

Jesus the lamb of God, worthy is your name
Awesome creator in you I have my being
Sweet Jesus how wonderful you are
My great redeemer how awesome you are
You are greater than the greatest
You are higher than the highest
You are brighter than the morning star

My soul magnify the Lord (and sy spirit)
And my spirit glorify his name (my soul..)
My soul magnify the Lord (and sy spirit)
And my spirit glorify his name

You are awesome (you are awesome)
You are awesome (you are awesome)
You are awesome and wonderful
You are awesome, you are awesome
You are awesome and wonderful

My grace amplifier (awesome)
My debts reliever(awesome)
My great physician (awesome)
You are my protector (awesome)
You are my provider (awesome)
You are my redeemer (awesome)
You are my deliverer (awesome)
Mighty man in battle (awesome)
Lord you are

You are awesome (you are awesome)
You are awesome (you are awesome)
You are awesome and wonderful
You are awesome, you are awesome
You are awesome and wonderful


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