Album: Find A Way (Single)
Year: 2018
Prod by Kiloh and Nyambi Edwin @CFXMusic Cameroon
The rat ate the cat.
The Dove Swallowed the Serpent
I break the chains and I’m free
I'm not in prison but I’ve risen.
Are you a slave as I was a freak
Freed me so you can free you
We are all slaves to something,
Either drugs or money or alcohol or our ego
Or our leaders who never keep their promises but deceive us
Killing the future of the next generation
Or musicians, that are pornographic
Polluting the minds of these innocent children ,
If I was to make a wish, I wish everybody was blind
I wish nobody ever died
I wish no god was god except the God in heaven
I wished the president serves and not the reverse
I pray to God to kill my pride and only give me humility
Cos we are becoming the refuse of humanity
Our selfish dreams are vanity
Running helter-skelter looking for things that can’t give life
Be wise and seek wisdom
Cos in the end you’ll pay the price (Pay the Price)
Find a way to heal the world
We losing space and time
Keep what we can do to live again
(I Know, I Know)
Let the world be all our home
Let us cry and save it now
Let us live the way we can
Save the world, save it now
(Okay huh)
If people don’t love you for who you are just let it go
If somebody pays your good for evil just let it go
That you are poor them rich
Them look down on you , just let it go
To all my ladies , if a guy breaks your heart , just let him go
If it is true love , I tell you my sis he’ll never let you go
To bear the cross, is to wear the crown , To die is to live
To be down and nothing is to be up and something
My people refuse the wisdom given to them in their foolishness they be mocking God
Every word I speak is pregnant with a meaning
Yabi meh shani we wehweh
Nyu a ring yu future wehweh
They said they’ll eat me like vultures
That I will see pain and then torture
Wimbum (People) , let purity of heart be a culture
God has promised to help us with our burdens
My people let’s stop all the hate
If someone is better than you, acknowledge
Learn from them and add to yours (if they hate you)
Learn, be the tail today and the head tomorrow
I'll be a listener today so I can be a speaker tomorrow
Find a way to heal the world
We losing space and time
Keep what we can do to live again
(I Know, I Know)
Let the world be all our home
Let us cry and save it now
Let us live the way we can
Save the world, save it now
(Okay huh)
They say the creation of the universe is a myth, but the greed and selfishness of all nations will lead to the distraction of this planet earth .
But We are the world, So let’s save it
Bonzyz Yoo
Muyengue | GRACE DECCA | ||
Dipita Lam | BEN DECCA | ||
Mama Oh Mba | BEN DECCA | ||