Les paroles de Roots - EVA HAKAPOKA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Roots" par EVA HAKAPOKA

Ye Malé….

You forget your roots
You reject your soul
You forget your origins
You’re loosing yourself
You’re looking the others
You do their things
Without reflection
You think they are better

Open your mind look in your heart
(The truth is inside)
Follow your dream trust in your feelings
(You have it in your mind)
To build a strong future
You have to feel
You have to believe in your Roots

You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh

Who do you think you are?
You are your genetic
You are your culture
Even if you want to reject it
Your past is on your face

Open your mind look in your heart
(The truth is inside)
Follow your dream trust in your feelings
(You have it in your mind)
To build a strong future
You have to feel
You have to believe in your Roots

You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh

Akoum Akoum (8 fois)

You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh
You got to believe in
(ga bo chan mama) Eh


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