Les paroles de You Turned My Life Around - GRACE DECCA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "You Turned My Life Around" par GRACE DECCA

Heuh heu heu heuh…
You turned my life around,
George Duke, Chino XL, Jeffrey Osbore
woh-ooh woh-ooh oh-ooh
Introducing Jay Grace Decca…
Oh wou woohou wooho.
Let’s Go, stand up

Had a real good life, not doing much wrong
A family, a real nice home
Drove a fancy car, a stocked mini bar
I was livin' high and mighty

Then deep inside, something began to change
My heart, my mind, the thoughts in my brain
I knew I needed more so I called on your name
And into my life you came woh-ooh woh-ooh oh-ooh

Jesus, you turned my life around
Jesus, you picked me up when I was down
Brightened up my day, then showed me a better way Hallelujah
Hallelujah, alright…

Na longue lam
Na naben longè tatan tatan tatan tatan
Wende nyola ngo

Jesus, you turned my life around
Jesus, you picked me up when I was down
Brightened up my day, then showed me a better way Hallelujah

Jesus, you turned my life around
Jesus, you picked me up when I was down
Brightened up my day, then showed me a better way Halleluja, Glory
Glory, Oh yes

woh-ooh woh-ooh oh-ooh
World situation, make me seek to myself like McCaim washing Obama’s inauguration…
Feeling good in Cameroon

Jesus, you turned my life around
Jesus, you picked me up when I was down
Brightened up my day, then showed me a better way Hallelujah
Na tondi mo é
Mbamo na posi na tondi ndé wa
I feel good right there
All over the world cameroon stand up
I wrestled long, I wrestled hard
Tested your word right from the start
Finding some excuse not to believe in you I was some kind of rebel
You struck me down, then lifted me up - you let me Break bread with you and drink from your cup
And now I'm not afraid I won't give you up
Whatever this life brings
I offer it up to you (cause)
Jesus, you turned my life around
Jesus, you picked me up when I was down
Brightened up my day, then showed me a better way Hallelujah


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