Les paroles de I Cut You Cafe - STEVE'SLIL | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "I Cut You Cafe" par STEVE'SLIL

Ah… Steve’slil in the building

Baby I cut you café oh (eh ba!)
The way you di whine that thing for me
I cut you café oh (OK)
The way you di panjo di panjo di go
Baby I cut you café oh (eh ba!)
The way you di whine that thing for me
I cut you café oh (Alright)
The way you di panjo di panjo di go
DJ add di gallon, add di gallon, add di gallon
DJ add di gallon, add di gallon, add di gallon
DJ add di gallon, add di gallon, add di gallon
DJ add di gallon, add di gallon, add di gallon
Plenty money throwé…

Finest baby with the cutest smile (Oooh)
Money wey you feel say I no get (throwé)
The way you di whine that thing
 Baby di give to me
Go counter take a drink (ooh oh wé)
The way you di wind that thing (baby you are too sexy)
The way you di grind that thing (baby you are too sassy)



Call me Steve’slil in the building
Make you throw your hands up to the ceiling
Panjo masters in the building
Make you throw your hands up to the ceiling
See how she’s dancing Alingo
Because she comot Malingo
Wireless network claringo
I no go back for you bingo

The way she di wind that thing (baby you are too sexy)
The way she di move that thing (my baby baby)


God di bless me I’m getting high
Girl di love me cause I’m so fine
That boy wey sing Ebangha
Now the girls dem dey go gaga
Olololiyo owé… Bambambambapé owé
Olololiyo owé… Bambambambapé owé


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