Les paroles de Fufu With Njap - JOVI | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Fufu With Njap" par JOVI

Money for ground before you topoh
Place wey you di damey na for dey wey I di motoh
Mbanga don ripe, wouna let me make I crakam
Man tenter, no be na me sef go di nakam
Hein. I no go lie my life na kankwe
I finish school, me I no ndem I remain kankwe
They banned Pidgin for the wa say e no di help
 That very pidgin make my life be na milk
Alawubade, alawubade
 When I drink drunk I say ouside that woman dey
Jeune mamy go halla Cameroon oyé
 Bindi rappeur you no be me no way
Ashawo don talk, no money no fuck
Any man get e style for dey na so they di work
Don’t fuck around me man I’ve got a dangerous crew
Lie no dey ma mouth when I talkam na true

White paper with  Mbanga boy na fufu with njap,
Na fufu with njap, na fufu with njap
White paper with  Mbanga boy na fufu with njap,
Na fufu with njap, Na fufu with njap
Lop no di fine, if you no get the paper
Paper no di fine, if you no get the njap
White paper with Mbanga boy na fufu with njap, na fufu with e njap

Yeah! We came a long way. That’s the long way
Trynna serve me beef that’s a wrong plate
Me I no be viga man I love meat
I like na tchick waist ma nga no get for watch weight
Mbanga follow shark that’s the calm day
Fine competiton like na pancake
Lord know you walk on the road that I paved
It’s safe to say you are one of the lives I saved
Lop mouth work You own na for speculate
She don dey Kongossa while my music di circulate
When Koki don done, they go try for imitate
Then they drop another album, Then the people no relate
They never call me, Never give me credit
Bip no be na call, you will wait before I say it
Fake rapper copy me , no be na say I no di hearam
Godfather shit Kankwe make wounna fearam



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