Les paroles de Aya Elohim - PROSPER GERMOH | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Aya Elohim" par PROSPER GERMOH

Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign

The songs of the spirit
The flow of the time
To Your reign Lord
There shall be no end
To Your reign Lord
Aya Aya
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign

Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign

To Your reign there shall be no end
Forever Lord You reign
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great
To Your reign there shall be no end
Forever Lord You reign
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great

Holy Ghost chant
You reign through us
Your kingdom is established
Your will is done through us
Aya Aya Aya
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great

To Your reign there shall be no end
Forever Lord You reign
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great
To Your reign there shall be no end
Forever Lord You reign
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great
To Your reign there shall be no end
Forever Lord You reign
You Are good
You Are kind
You Are Great

Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Abba father Lord You reign
Aya Elohim
Lord You reign

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