Les paroles de Let Me In - FUL | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Let Me In" par FUL

Girl you got the assignment, love when you understand
Girl you got the assignment, just bend down let me

There is something about you I can’t explain
Just the thought of you, drives me so insane
When comes the night is like you reading through my mind, every time
Girl you got the assignment, love when you understand
Girl you got the assignment, just bend down let me in
Girl you got the assignment, love when you understand
Girl you got the assignment, just bend down let me in

She say baby daddy please slow down for me
No one’s ever made me cry of ecstasy
You light up every little single part of me
You make it hard for me, you make me crazy
Girl you got the assignment, love when you understand
Girl you got the assignment, just bend down let me in
Girl you got the assignment, love when you understand
Girl you got the assignment, just bend down let me in

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