Les paroles de Pray For Me - MIC MONSTA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Pray For Me" par MIC MONSTA

Tous mes plans et mes rêves, je remettrai à dieu
Tout ce que j’ai, je dis merci à Dieu
Avant j’étais bébé, maintenant, j’suis âgée
Je pense qu’il est l’heure pour quitter le quartier
Mes plans et mon destin, je remettrai à dieu
Tout ce que j’ai, je dis merci à Dieu
Avant j’étais bébé, maintenant, j’suis âgée
Je pense qu’il est l’heure pour quitter le quartier

Mes bro et mes sœurs au kwat, je dis adieu
Adieu oh oh, adieu
Unu fi pray for me
Check how I deh
Mais, pour le moment, ont dit adieu
Adieu oh oh, Adieu
Adieu oh oh, adieu
Adieu, adieu oh oh
Adieu oh oh

When repe kwara male njaka get fo be the man
Young soldier being weak isn’t part of the plan
Comot kwata, park shoe park ma bag
Tell reme i di kam big dreams don di call
Cuz somewhere in the world they await on my arrival
When you hear this voice it’s the story of my survival
Ma pap no cold though fire no be Dey
Still I keep it hot like some pot wey di boil
I’m in real deep than they think
I’ve been getting calls from around the world they love how I sing
Kwata music is not a dream at all
Men this shit be really happening
Dropped my first album and that work became a classic
All what me and dready talked about be coming to life
Torch city came through and they been giving the vibes
So if you see my mama tell her I Dey fine
Ei pikin na the soldier wey Tanap fo front line Yeah
Ei pikin na the soldier wey Tanap fo front line

I guess one life is enough
One road is enough
If I do this right I might just reach the top and above
But the surface is rough bottom is soft
Comfortable might not make it out of the dust
Now, Christmas Day di pass way no Dey fo see famille
You know sey na December when that show them di flop nor
So anytime i call appreciate the voice foh phone
Your hustle need fo double when u be na anglophone
I try fo tell some men dem but them Dey here di brag
Now see the way the industry don remain fo back
Kill the messenger and thruway the message
Na so my people take am just remain in bondage

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