Les paroles de YoYoYo - VERNYUY TINA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "YoYoYo" par VERNYUY TINA


A m’ker wo bo m’kuyni wir o wo wiy marry me
Kina liy wo kitu kem dusho e daddy mi
What a waste m’kohni m’seyni wasted years
Kê to you I will say yes and forget about those years
I met you unaware so I prayed, bless this day Lord I said
A shong kitu musica dusho outside, one side, off side
Arête de jouer, je ne peux plus supporter
Et c’est très compliqué yebah m’kurni kem today

Bring your squad over here bwai gimme the floor
Make the rules so I back up that’s for sure
Show me off if they danno know we let them know
Shong hebei wo mboa a shongni kitu kam yéy
Wandey gi wey mbutu na wandey ci
Mbrundi njela wanzwe é andi sra

Ji wu sa foka mo a? ki sa soka ?
Wu fém ker yir a ? mudafucker
Yo bon ker a? la vida loca
Shebi is a loser
Mara mara today, anyday, fifty or hundred
Madonna mia oh God I’ve found a partner

Bring your squad over here bwai gimme the floor
Make the rules so I back up that’s for sure
Show me off if they danno know we let them know
Shong hebei wo mboa a shongni kitu kam yéy
Wandey gi wey mbutu na wandey ci
Mbrundi njela wanzwe é andi sra
Wandey gi wey mbutu na wandey ci
Mbrundi njela wanzwe é andi sra

I met you unaware so I prayed, bless this day Lord I said
A shong kitu musica dusho outside, one side, off side

Bring your squad over here bwai gimme the floor
Make the rules so I back up that’s for sure
Show me off if they danno know we let them know
Shong hebei wo mboa a shongni kitu kam yéy

Arête de jouer, je ne peux plus supporter
Et c’est très compliqué yebah m’kurni kem today
Shong hebei wo mboa a shongni kitu kam yéy

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