Les paroles de All Over Me - TZY PANCHAK | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "All Over Me" par TZY PANCHAK

Over me, over me
Over me, over me

I be di fear woman like wintch o (fear woman like wintch o)
But suddenly you teach o (suddenly you teach o)
Say true love do exist (true love exist)
And I guess that what it is (guess that what it is)
Cuz when you tickle me e sweet o (tickle me e sweet o)
When you shot me for I wish you (shot for me I wish you o)
And if this isn't true love (isn't true love)
Then tell me what it is

Anywhere you go, girl I will follow you
There's no reason to leave
Baby I'll come with you no
And if you stay, then I'll stay with you
Loving you all the way
I swear I love this feeling

Is my house really a home when you're not here?
Teach me this your love
Do that thing way sweet me for body o
Is my life really alive when you're not here?
Teach me this your love
Do that thing way, sweet me for body o

Over, over me
Over me, over me
It's all over
It's all over me o
It's all over me

Run to me, run to me
I go hold you down like a G
Come to me, baby mi o
Mami I swear you be my queen
We'll be banging till we're 80
We'll be wasted, we'll be lazy
Like meat inside achu
Baby you di sweetie me

Anywhere you go, girl I will follow you
There's no reason to leave
Baby I'll come with you no
And if you stay, then I'll stay with you
Loving you all the way
I swear I love this feeling

Is my house really a home when you're not here?
Teach me this your love
Do that thing way sweet me for body o
Is my life really alive when you're not here?
Teach me this your love
Do that thing way, sweet me for body o

Over, over me
Over me, over me
It's all over
It's all over me o
It's all over me

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