Les paroles de Come And Go - LOCKO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Come And Go" par LOCKO

Come and go go go go go

Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go
Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go

Put some respect on my name
They things I do you can dream of doing it
They told me be right yes I’ve been right
But it seems like being wrong is all okay
C’est ton frère même qui veut te tuer
Tu veux t’élever, il veut t’enterrer
C’est ton frère même qui veut te tuer
Lui-même ne sait pas pourquoi

Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go
Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go

Keep it low key when you’re cooking
They’re not happy
Ils ne retiendront pas le meilleur
Mais bien le pire de toi
En fait il parait que tu parles abstrait
Je te parle de concret pour eux c’est parfait
Quand on te parlait, est ce que tu écoutais
Et pourtant tu étais là

Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go
Come and go go, come and go
Money, women they come and go
Problem’s, they’re nothing they come and go
Everything ici bas come and go

C’est ton frère même qui veut te tuer
Tu veux t’élever il veut t’enterrer
C’est ton frère même qui veut te tuer
Lui-même ne sait pas pourquoi

Come and go go
Everything come and go, go go
Come, come, come and go

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