Les paroles de Far Away - Zeeval | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Far Away" par Zeeval

Shock Boi

Ei no matter where you dey
Ei no matter where you dey
Polina find your way
Polina find your way
No matter where you dey make you mimba we
No matter where you go make you mimba we
Polina find your way
Polina find your way

Small mami waka waka
Yari no dey, you dey findnam
You dey find ohh
You dey find your own
Small mami waka waka
Money no dey, you de findnam
You dey find ohh
You dey find your own

Though i de here but my heart de so far away
Though i de here but my heart de so far away
Though i de here but my heart de so far away
Though i de here but my heart de so far
Missing home
Ahh Missing home
Ahh I de Miss my home
Your my family
They want to hear
They want to hear now

Small mami waka waka
Yari no dey, you dey findnam
You dey find ohh
You dey find your own
Small mami waka waka
Money no dey, you de findnam
You dey find ohh
You dey find your own
They want to hear me now yoooo
I want to go
I want to go
I want to go home now

Though I de here but my heart de so far away
Though I de here but my heart de so far away
Though I de here but my heart de so far away
Though I de here but my heart de so far
Missing home
Ahh Missing home
Ahh I de Miss my home
Your my family

Ei no matter where you dey
Ei no matter where you dey
Your my family
Your my family

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