Les paroles de I Get My Day - Elizabeth Tekeh | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "I Get My Day " par Elizabeth Tekeh

Ha ha
We get a God, wey na he di bless people
Lead on he, for your own blessing
Because you get your day

I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when my day breaks first abeg no jealous me
I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when your day breaks first i no get for jealous you

As dey no be born me and you for the same day
Na so me and you we get we different days for blessing
If God di bless me today no vest with me
No gossip me no talk against me
Come for my house come join me celebrates
Because when God di bless you too we go joint you celebrate

I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when my day breaks first abeg no jealous me
I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when you  day breaks first i  no get for jealous you

If God give me moto or he give me pikin
Or he give me money or he give me husband
Or he build me house no vest with me oh
No talk against me make you no jealous me
Just know say na my time for God for bless me
Because when your own day people go joint you celebrate

I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when my day breaks first abeg no jealous me
I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when your day breaks first i no get for  jealous you

The fact say God delay for bless you my brother
The fact say God delay for bless you my sister
Make you no hurry   because if you hurry for life
You go fall for pick wey  you no go fit comot
Get patient for this life wey you dey live
Make you no hurry because your time for blessing dey come
Be patient with God because God must bless you
When your day for blessing come people go joint you celebrate

I get my day
You too get your day
I get my time oh
You too get your time
Everybody get’s he own day way God go bless he
And so when my day breaks first abeg no jealous me

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