Les paroles de Superwoman - Mara | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Superwoman" par Mara

It's Original Mara 
Sippin inn a cool tequila 
Pose like a bad mind reader 
You should talk to me 
You should talk to me 
Hopin like a true believer 
Say na me go swim ya river 
You should talk to me 
You should talk to me 

I'm coming your way 
Wait for me boy I'm coming your way no wasting time 
I'm coming your way 
Wait for me boy I'm coming your way no wasting time 

Super Woman 
Travel the world because of you 
Fly right to Mars and back for you 
And I will be your baby boo 
I'll be your super woman o 
Travel the world because of you 
Fly right to Mars and back for you 
And I will be your baby boo 

(Danse avec moi 
Je veux que tu chantes avec moi
Je veux que tu bouges avec moi
Tu me fais tu me fais
Danse avec moi 
Je veux que tu chantes avec moi 
Je veux que tu bouges avec moi 
Tu me fais tu me fais

See you got the keys to your heart and you know boy I want it (and it's on)
I got the keys to your heart and you know that I'm happy (boy it's on)
See I got love and I got mad love for you
Love and I got mad love for you ahhh
Drunkon love I'm going crazy 
Baby you know I want you i want you badly 
Hold me tight and never let go ooo
Baby you know I want you, i want you, i want you, I want youuu

Super Woman 
Travel the world because of you 
Fly right to Mars and back for you 
And I will be your baby boo 
I'll be your super woman o 
Travel the world because of you 
Fly right to Mars and back for you 
And I will be your baby boo 

I'll be your super, your super , you super super woman heyeyyy

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