Les paroles de Dieu Est Bon - WAX DEY | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Dieu Est Bon" par WAX DEY

Situation va changer, hmm
Ton histoire va changer, oh oui
Car Dieu est bon
Allez mes mami, car Dieu est bon
Allez mes papi, car Dieu est bon

No matter if they tell you that you can't
Your situation is not permanent
When times are tough, just pray and do your best
And in good time God will do the rest
God will do the rest, and in good time God will do the rest
God will do the rest, in good time God will do the rest

Ton histoire va changer
Situation va changer
Ta carrière va changer
Ton argent va changer
Car Dieu est bon
Car Dieu est bon
Allez les mami, car Dieu est bon
Allez mes papi, car Dieu est bon
Allez allez allez allez
Allez les papi, car Dieu est bon
Allez les mami, car Dieu est bon
Allez mes papi, car Dieu est bon
Allez les papi yeah

Don't let nobody tell you that you can't
Your situation is not permanent
When times are tough, just pray and do the best
And in good time God will do the rest
Heh, changer, changer car Dieu est bon
Situation va changer, changer, car Dieu est bon
Car Dieu est bon
Car Dieu est bon
Car Dieu est bon
Car Dieu est bon

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