Les paroles de Stranger - TZY PANCHAK | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Stranger" par TZY PANCHAK

Na you know when I take first breathe
Na you know when e go be my last
Na you give money for Rich man
Na you give Garri for poor man
This world way we live e like scam
Cos all I have is not my own
This life is not guaranteed oh oh
Nobody knows tomorrow

Thank for everything
Me I can't complain
Thank you for the smiles of yesterday
As grow old too fast all we have is memories
As grow old too fast all we have is memories
This world is not my own own I'm just a stranger
This world is not my own own I'm just a stranger
And if I'm a stranger then where is my home
And if I'm a stranger then where is my home

Dear God
Can you hear me?
Do you have a minute?
Was hoping to ask you
Where is heaven
Can I come now?
Or have to wait for a while
Is it okay to ask you?
So are we living to die?
Or are we dying to live
See my mami  for corner still di grief
How do I make I believe
That there's a better future
When she thinks it's over
When she thinks she's done
Send me a prophet please
I need some motivation
Or maybe entertainment
Cos you know how it goes
Truth be told
I don good and evil
So what is my faith?
Please let me know
I pray for benediction for my people
And if I don't make it
Then It is what is

Thank for everything
Me I can't complain
Thank you for the smiles of yesterday
As grow old too fast all we have is memories
As grow old too fast all we have is memories
This world is not my own own I'm just a stranger
This world is not my own own I'm just a stranger
And if I'm a stranger then where is my home
And if I'm a stranger then where is my home

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