Les paroles de happy - Christelle Moon | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "happy" par Christelle Moon

Huu ahhh ahhouhh lala ahh
Wow i heard a cry afo a newborn this morning 
Walking on the road and surprise some harmony 
Cause daddy couldn’t make it 
Doctor just says sorry
Ce que nous avions vient après jours 

She just got a ring on her finger thant’s lovely 
Sunday he won’t answer the phone and she’s worry 
Just let the music paly and dance all of you worry
Ce que nous avions vient après jours

That’s why i am happy happy all the same 
Even tough i still feel the pain 
Happy happy all the same 
I will live it day by day 
I can be your luxry 
I dont need some kone of money 
O boy i whist that you will be my men
Let me be your woman 
I will porn you all my diarries 
Juste put a smille on your face
Il he aint you and if he aint me 
Oh come on let it be 
What will be would be 
Eventhough i wish i could have it all
O boy ooh o boy ooh, o boy
The thing your doing to me 

That’s why i am happpy happy all the same 
Even tought i still feel the pain 
Happy happy all the same 
I will live it day by day
Happy happy all the same 
Even tought i still feel the pain 
Happy happy all the same 
I will live it day by day


Live all about some types of worries 
So don’t give- up as your struggle though
Be the men and be the woman that you’ll be 
God will see you truth 

Live all about some types of worries 
So don’t give- up as your struggle though
Be the men and be the woman that you’ll be 
God will see you truth 

I’am happy happy all the same 
Even tought i still feel the pain 
Happy happy all the same
I will live it day by day
Don’t worry aaaa aaah 
Ahooo aaah
Be happy ahooo aaah
Be happy ahooo aaah
Happy ahooo aaah
Don’t worry aaaa aaah 
Be happy

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