Les paroles de Ma Vie - Remii | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Ma Vie" par Remii

It’s Remii spin it again
Ko c, give me the mic yoo
Show me that thing way you hide under
That thing way you hide under your cover ooh
(It’s Kang Quintus music

Face à toi, près de toi j’aurai tout perdu
Ayeah ayeah ayeah ayeah
Si c’est juste pour une fois, t’a beauté m’amène
Ayeah ayeah, ayeah ayeah
Show me that thing way you hide under
That thing way you hide under your cover ooh
Show me that thing way you hide under
That thing way you hide under your cover oohoo (Oh yeah)

Je t'ai donné mon Cœur
Donné ma vie oh
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir
Je t'ai donné mon Cœur
Donné ma vie oh
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir

Show me that thing way you hide under
That thing way you hide under your cover ooh
Show me that thing way you hide under
That thing way you hide under your cover ooho

I give you my love, I give you all
For that thing under your cover ooh
Ayeah ayeah ayeah ayeah
I give you my love, I give you all
For that thing under your cover ooh
Ayeah ayeah ayeah ayeah

Je viens voir ton père à etoug Ebé (hee etoug Ebé)
Knock on di door na who dey dey (hee na me dey dey)
Je te donne mon Cœur
Donne ma vie ohoo
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir
Je te donne mon cœur ooh
Donne ma vie oh
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir

Hey Sexy mama
Give me that green light make I fire down to your whole center
As I kick it’s a goal now
I no fit cash alert oo
If you no want me I no know
Anywhere you go I follow
Poverty no be my logo

Je viens voir ton père à Etoug Ebé (hee etoug Ebé)
Knock on di door na who dey dey (hee na me dey dey)
Come see your papa for etugebé oh oh etug ebé
Knock on di door na who dey dey (hee na me dey dey)

Je te donne mon Cœur
Donne ma vie oh
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir
Je te donne mon Cœur
Donne ma vie oh
Les jaloux vont maigrir, jaloux vont maigrir

It’s Kang Quintus music
It’s Remii spin it again
Ko c, give me the mic yoo
Show me that thing way you hide under aah
That thing way you hide under your cover ooh
Akwandor Mix

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