Les paroles de One Day - Ulanda | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "One Day" par Ulanda

Mama oh One day one day
One day one day mama oh
You will see love
One day one day
Mama oh One day one day
One day one day mama oh
You will see love
One day one day
I say mama no worry no worry
No worry no worry no worry no worry

Every time you give everything you have
You give everything you own
For the one you say you love
Oh baby girl
They take your love, they take your heart
Take your pride, they take your life
And they trample upon it
One day you go find the one who loves you as you are
They will take you as you come
No worry baby girl
Oooohh monyoeee (bayangi)
No worry ehh
The sun go shine again

A Iyo, buyan Boo, buyan boo
Buyan boo buyan boo mama
Omende jene ndolo
Mama oh One day one day
One day one day mama oh
You will see love
One day one day
I say mama mama no worry no worry
No worry no worry no worry no worry
Okaya beng e, Okaya beng e , Okaya beng e
Okaya beng e, Okaya beng e , Okaya beng e

Let me tell you a story
About a girl who loved
She gave everything
She almost gave her soul
He took her precious gift
And tore it up in public oh
She was very hurt
Disgraced and alone

Eh ehh ehh monyoeee
Mama eee
No worry
Okaya beng e
Mama mama
Mama no worry

Mama oh One day one day
One day one day mama oh
You will see love
One day one day
Mama oh One day one day
One day one day mama oh
You will see love
One day one day
I say mama no worry no worry
No worry no worry no worry no worry

Mama oh
Mama oh
Mama oh
Say no vex oh
Nye wa
Ma ya

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