Les paroles de Different - Erna | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Different" par Erna

Lord I thank you for the life
At the cross you paid the price
Because of you I’m still alive
Lord I thank you for the life
At the cross you paid the price
Because of you I’m still alive

Lord you’re sweeter than money
I’m a living testimony
Today I know you no go let me
Today I know you no go let me
Today I know you no go let me

And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He mades everything new
Mama did you understand
And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
The devil should understand

No matter what the people said
C’est ma live, c’est ma life
What they said about me
C’est ma live, c’est ma life
Never giving up I pray
On my life, on my life
Jesus na you the number one
I my live, in my live
J’ai choisi mon camp
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ

And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
Mama did you understand
And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
The devil should understand

I cannot top, owe
You’ve open my eyes, I believe I can fly
I’m no more in the darkness
Que mille tombent à ma gauche, dix mille tombent à ma droite
Je ne serais pas atteinte
A la mention de ton nom
Tous les genoux fléchissent
Et les langues confessent
God na you be the best
I know I can’t deny
And the devil can’t test you
They no go know oh oh oh
I know you car for me yeah
God you care for me
Tu m’bénis tous les jours, yeah
Tous les jours
God you care for me
Yeah you care for me
I know you car for me yeah
Tu m’bénis tous les jours, yeah
Tous les jours
Bénis tous les jours

And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
Mama did you understand
And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
The devil should understand
And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
Mama did you understand
And I say
I choose to be different
With God I’m so different
He made everything new
The devil should understand

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