Les paroles de Never Leave - Lily | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Never Leave" par Lily

I remember when I was a child
My father used to say
To win this race of life you must be brave
Get back on your feet each time you stumble
Along the way to make your dream a reality
He constantly reminded me
Of the choice I make
And scolded whenever
I went astray
Now many years have come and gone
But it feels like yesterday
When in my head dad’s favorite song begin to play

Never leave, just hold on to that dream
You can achieve the impossible
If only you believe
Don’t get discouraged by how any times
You’re beaten down in every stride
Don’t lose hope, keep your faith
You can be what you wanna be

I had so many ups and downs
Losses I cannot count
It’s been a tough one climbing to the top
Often surrounded by challenges
That seemed to knock my feet off the ground
But, somehow, I have kept on moving in this time
I try to sing along cause daddy’s song, never stop playing
It guides me to where I belong

Never leave, just hold on to that dream
You can achieve the impossible
If only you believe
Don’t get discouraged by how any times
You’re beaten down in every stride
Don’t lose hope, keep your faith
You can be what you wanna be

Uh uh uh uh, don’t you ever leave?
Uh uh uh uh, don’t you ever leave?
Uh uh uh uh, don’t you ever leave?

Never leave, just hold on to that dream
You can achieve the impossible
If only you believe
Don’t get discouraged by how any times
You’re beaten down in every stride
Don’t lose hope, keep your faith
You can be what you wanna be
Never leave, just hold on to that dream
You can achieve the impossible
If only you believe
Don’t get discouraged by how any times
You’re beaten down in every stride
Don’t lose hope, keep your faith
You can be what you wanna be

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