Les paroles de Na Dem - ELUNICO SOCIO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Na Dem" par ELUNICO SOCIO

Elunico socio.. Ah
Na dem na dem
Satan no fit be God
God too no fit be satan (no way)
Hold ya lane hold ya lane (holan)
These ngahs them no d play (play)
Came for program them ten (ten)
Chop ya doh say amen
Amen amen
 Chop ya doh say amen
Amen amen (sos)
Amen weeh

I phone ten
I phone eleven
Them want usam browse na for heaven
(chai chai)
Treat you like deul
Whenever you ask small hmm hmm
Scammers in disguise (disguise)
Workers in disguise
This na ma advice

Brenda na them
Sylvia na them
Bella na them
Chioma na them
Brenda na them
Sylvia na them
Bella na them
Chioma na them
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them

This our girls na news
Come to my house! I  Won’t
Come to the show I will
(But the bill is be on you nah)
You dey craze
A dey work
A dey chop
Miss slay queen (slayers)
Buy one outfit snap 10 albums (cheeh)
Arafat don die baby momo me (momo me)
Paul Biya is talking baby momo me (Na them)

Brenda na them
Sylvia na them
Bella na them
Brenda  na them
Sylvia na them
Bella na them
Brenda  na them
Chioma na them
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them

Baby momo me
(I need 10K; I just saw a shoe and please don’t forget charges)
Baby momo me
(I need 10K; I just saw a shoe and please don’t forget charges)    
Aseh oh
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them
Na them na them na them

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