Les paroles de Christmas Time - Le Choeur Des Piccoli | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Christmas Time" par Le Choeur Des Piccoli

When the lights are on in every street around
Music playing in your heart, you feel the sound
Know that Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God
Is coming from his Kingdom to fulfill the Word.
For the poor, for the weak
For the ones who did not except anything more from life;
For the widow, the dumb, for the orphan, for the deaf
He brings hope for all the people, so...

This is time to sing
This is time to dance
This is time to remember that we are all children of God
So let's say together

This is Christmas time, we all celebrate
Allah bido badjo, Jesus taking us high
This is Christmas time, we all celebrate
Allah bido badjo, Jesus taking us high
Ayeeeeeehh ya, ayeeeeeehh ehh!

Mi yidi ma, Yesu dje dji pata dhô lesdi.. hmm
You are the prince of peace, the King of kings, and Lord of lords
The redeemer that we waited, Time has come to sing

A wahdan seyo, ha berndé bikoy be mau be fuu
A wahdan seyo, ha pébèl habré, walaï
I have no gold for you my Lord
All I have enough is my heart to give

This is time to sing
This is time to dance
This is time to remember that we are all children of God
So let's say together

This is Christmas time, we all celebrate
Allah bido badjo, Jesus taking us high
This is Christmas time, we all celebrate
Allah bido badjo, Jesus taking us high
Ayeeeeeehh ya, ayeeeeeehh ehh!

Ouhhh! This is Christmas Time
Time for peace
Time for love
Time to dance!

This is Christmas Time...
This is Christmas Time...

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