Les paroles de Wahala - Katie Marple | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Wahala" par Katie Marple

Nah only the fame that we want
Nah only the money we want
Nah only the shine wey we want
Nah only the fame that we want
Nah only the money we want
Nah only the shine wey we want
Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava
Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava
I be influencé
When I post they likam
Shoutout to my haters
Plenty DMs oh
No time for checkam
Quoiqu’il advienne oh
Moi je suis dedans
Na money we want eh
Celebrity sweet eh
Abeg no déranger
Na money we want eh
Celebrity sweet eh
Abeg no déranger

Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava
Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava
Leur page Insta pleines de nudes
Voyage ici là-bas
Gucci Louis et Balenciaga
Leur page Insta pleines de nudes
Voyage ici là-bas
Gucci Louis et Balenciaga

Na money we want eh
Celebrity sweet eh
Abeg no déranger
Na money we want eh
Celebrity sweet eh
Abeg no déranger
Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava
Wahala this Social media na wahala
I say wahala abeg abeg
Wuna take back this palava

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