Les paroles de Day I Die - BANYE | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Day I Die" par BANYE

No time for di cover eye
I go nang for the day die
Na money di make me fly
I dey high and i no want land
Spit fire were di burn all man
This njangi no fit pay all man
I go nang for the day I die
I di boss na with blood for eye

[Verse 1]
Time don come weay the king don come
Chop all place like I use new charm
Only program so tey boy dem don do jam time
We di run go but the money follow come
Fine girls always coming at the wrong time
They di price ma smile like the sunshine
When I boss dem move dema best smile
Dema best smile

Wona look out some man go die
If na sense we fit check the sense
Long sense na the shortest sense
Big sense na the stupid sense
Non sense na the present tense
But ma sense na the sense weay go make you dance
I go nang for the day I die
And the money na the reason why

No time for di cover eye
I go nang for the day die
Na money di make me fly
I dey high and i no want land
Spit fire were di burn all man
This njangi no fit pay all man
I go nang for the day I die
I di boss na with blood for eye

No time for di cover eye
I go nang for the day die
Na money di make me fly
I dey high and i no want land
Spit fire were di burn all man
This njangi no fit pay all man
I go nang for the day I die
I di boss na with blood for eye

Spit fire weay di burn all man

[Verse 2]
Spit fire weay di burn all man
Ma ngueme don di warm na bench
Ma hustle don di speak na french
Money don di jeck na iron
Ten pong don di strong like lion
na me I be the chep bandit
I nodi nang,  I di nap na nap
Check fine before you chat ma chap
Perica wona ready
When I boss e go worry
I nodi hear sorry
You can't understand what I mean
Na me I be the chep bandit
Show me nigga weay di kill like this.
You nogo fit to double this
Spit fore weay di burn all man

No time for di cover eye
I go nang for the day die
Na money di make me fly
I dey high and i no want land
Spit fire were di burn all man
This njangi no fit pay all man
I go nang for the day I die
I di boss na with blood for eye

No time for di cover eye
I go nang for the day die
Na money di make me fly
I dey high and i no want land
Spit fire were di burn all man
This njangi no fit pay all man
I go nang for the day I die
I di boss na with blood for eye


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