Les paroles de Exalt Him - PROSPER GERMOH | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Exalt Him" par PROSPER GERMOH

Oooh Jesus...
The Mighty man of war,
The way maker are you Lord

The Lilly of the Valley
The Bright and the Morning Star
Only you can satisfy all
Health to my countenance are you
Righteousness lover,
Wickedness hater are you Lord

The one that was
The one that is to come
Omnipotent God,
You're greater than all, eeh..

Exalt him
Exalt him
Lift your voices higher
He's worthy of our praise, eeh
Come and sing with me

Exalt him
Exalt him
Lift your voices higher
He's worthy of our praise, eeh
Come and sing with me

Exalt him
Exalt him
Lift your voices higher
He's worthy of our praise,eeh.

Exalt him
Exalt him
Lift your voices higher
He's worthy of our praise today
Common sing with me,
Exalt Jesus
Lift your voice oooh
Exalt him
Exalt Jesus now

Lift our hands high today,

He's worthy of our
He's worthy of our

Let's worship
Let's worship
Lift our voices higher
He's worthy of our praise eeh
Let's worship him,
lift your voice
he's worthy
with your songs
Let's worship him in other tongues

Lord you're awesome
You're mighty
You're excellent
No one is like you
You're worthy of our praise Lord
We glorify your name
Father we love you...


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