Les paroles de Night Life - RENISS | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Night Life" par RENISS

How you dey ya own so
Why you like for show show
Presidential convoy
When I land for Malabo
Man na head honcho
I make'am make dem panjo
Only way wey I high so
No bi lie bô
I just want for lay low

When I woke up  sharp sharp for morning
Na picture wey I di ngetch every morning
E make me feel  Owé owé eh
E make me feel   Owé owé eh eh eh eh
Ma neighbours and friend sef sef
All dem know me
I get the juice you the tin
You cam see me
I make you feel  Owé owé eh
I make you  feel  Owé owé eh eh eh eh
Bébé je t'aime à mourir ahh (Eh eh eh )
C'est toi et moi aujourd'hui
Es que ma ndolo complicate
Quand toi et moi on danse, j'adore ça ah ah ahhh
Quand tu me fais bisous, j'adore ça eh eh ehhh eh

How you dey ya own so
Why you like for show show
Presidential convoy
When I land for Malabo
Man na head honcho
I make'am make dem panjo
Only way wey I high so
No bi lie bô
I just want for lay low

Abeg no di talk tin wey you no fit do
Abeg no di talk tin wey you no fit do
Abeg no di talk tin wey you no fit do
Abeg no di talk tin wey you no fit do
Looking for a man for ya whole life time
But all he want is a one night stand  
Any man dey for here na for fine e chance
All di game me I no di understand

One man peace and other man trouble
One take four and the other take double
Na condition di mek am jangah e back di bend
All di ova sabi mek'am you no fit learn

Abeg wuna free me
Ah ah wuna free me
Abeg wuna free me
Ah ah wuna free me

But jelousy people dem go always di hate  
Nang nang shoes wey na seize thirty eight
Enter club  people dem just di craze
Ahhhh ahhhh all

Bebe je t'aime à mourir ahh (Eh eh eh )
C'est toi et moi aujourd'hui
Es ce que ma ndolo compliqué
Quand toi et moi ont danse, j'adore ça ah ah ahhh
Quand tu me fais bisous
J'adore ça eh eh ehhh eh eh eh eh eh eh

Bebe je t'aime a mourir ahh
Eh eh eh
C'est toi et moi aujourd'hui
Es ce que  ma ndolo compliqué
Quand toi et moi ont danse , j'adore ça ah ah ahhh
Quand tu me fais bisous, J'adore ça eh eh ehhh eh

How you dey ya own so
Why you like for show show
Presidential convoy
When I land for Malabo
Man na head honcho
I make'am make dem panjo
Only way wey I high so
No bi lie bô
I just want for lay low

Eh eh …Eh eh eh eh … Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh


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