Les paroles de No Ever Come Back - BONZYZ | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "No Ever Come Back " par BONZYZ

Verse 1

 E don ever dey like make you cry ?
Then you hold yourself say you be big man
The tears di only run down from ya eyes?
Then some man tell you ashia you realise you dey cry the more?
You say ah no go cry but you di only cry na cry.
Some time na some your padyman
Way you talk with he for soire`
Then receive call for Sharp say hee don die
You look for sky di ask God why?
Ma guy you don ever get that friend wey ye be na spy?
Ye di lie even wen u catch ye ye di try for justify.
E dey like make u cry.
People over get demands u not fit always satisfy
You give them foot for waka them go tell u say them want for fly.
You make them Angels them go turn be na god for ur life.
Them go shade tears for you then turn chop you like crocodile.
E dey like make ah cry wen ah see some man di judge some man
Wey ye no even know ye struggle but di try for crucify.
God don Bless me with energy say ma go electrify
Ma community cus di people don put we na for stand by.

Man go promise u say stand for here no ever come back.
Some man go talk say tire am keep am then no ever come back.
Repe go Bakassi for dumo no ever come back
Grand frere go over seas for hustle no ever come back
Man go promise u say stand for here no ever come back.
Some man go talk say tire am keep am then no ever come back
Repe go Bakassi for dumo no ever come back
Grand frere go over seas for hustle no ever come back

Verse 2
Ma neighbour ye small pikin di cry every night
I hardly sleep cus e dey like the pikin sleep by my side
I bad for vex then I shout e dey like say ma go fight
 but the day I see di pikin e dey like say ma burst cry
Di pikin dey dat kana 7 years and ye no di waka
Ye be na deaf and ye di suffer ye piss na through pipe.
Ye Pa tell me say doctor say make them go do utenasia
Cus better na die , ye be di talk with tears for eye.
E be dey like make I cry cus ye mami too be na blind
I be di judge dem from afar, now I di weap for their for chance.
They say di sick so them fit only cure am fine na for France.
E show say di pikin go die bcus of lack of finance
Ma skin cold, I di talk sorry for ma arrogance
The man look me smile then laugh say boy no be ur fault.
E make me think about the people wey they need we prayers
But we di instead condem them,
When they come around we drive them
When we need favours we call them
When we fail for life we blame them.

E dey like make I cry e dey like make I cry.
Girl them di go for do abortion then no ever come back .
They catch some bandit for ma kwata put na tire burn am .
petit saour go for buy Maggi some Don man catch rape am
Ye Repe get heart attack then ye Repe call am.

Man go promise u say stand for here no ever come back.
Some man go talk say tire am keep am then no ever come back.
Repe go Bakassi for dumo no ever come back
Grand frere go over seas for hustle no ever come back
Man go promise u say stand for here no ever come back.
Some man go talk say tire am keep am then no ever come back
Repe go Bakassi for dumo no ever come back
Grand frere go over seas for hustle no ever come back

Men them travel through Esseka then no ever come back.
Someone them pass na through muyoka then no ever come back.
Ma Grand be dey for Nyos like tourist then no ever come back.
Man wey be dey for plan for mbanga pongo no be come back


I have seen it all.
All de stories u telling I have been told
This luxurious life is more dan me
The things u saying I have experienced dek .
Who den can say am responsible for this girl.
If u man enough u will ask de children what dey have eaten today.  Or better still ask dem what u can do to help.  
Learn Neva to eat alone


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