Les paroles de Baba Yahwé - FRANKA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Baba Yahwé" par FRANKA

Hein! hein hein hein! Super Power! Super super power!
Baba God e hey. Tinguelelilele e
Ouh la la la la la. Ouh la la Ouh oo
Tinguelele bâ bâ bounce ! Super

Verse 1:
No matter hard your  life is, never stop dreaming
life is full of surprises, at times it comes like  a thunder
No matter  weak you mat réel, never loose your fait
tomorrow is another day  and  at the end you will sonder hey

He  will make a bridge where there is no way
You'll be able to cross over
He will rise you up bring obstacles down
If He says yes nobody can say no

A door may be shutted today
Another openned tomorrow
Dont forget that after the rain. The sun will shine up in the sky

Baba ee Yahweh
Holy Shepherd (holy)
Baba eeYahweh
makes impossible be possible
Baba EE Yahweh
Omnipotent (holy).
Baba Yahweh
For your name oo
All na grace oo

Tinguelele bâ bâ bounce ! Super

Verse 2:
I know sometimes, you're speechless
Wondering what's going wrong
And  all the dreams that you've built
Are falling down like a sandcastle (ouh lelelelele)
He didnt say his last word.
He  will fill that emptiness and apease your doubts
Never stop to praise him
You don’t implore him in vain
Just stay faithfull  and keep the flame

He  will make a bridge where there is no way
You'll be able to cross over
He will rise you up bring obstacles down
If He says yes nobody can say no

A door may be shut today
Another opened tomorrow
Dont forget that after the rain. The sun will shine up in the sky

Baba ee (Yahweh)
Holy Shepherd (holy)
Baba ee (Yahweh)
makes impossible be possible
Baba EE (Yahweh)
Omnipotent (holy).
Baba Yahweh
For your name oo
All na grace oo

Tinguelele... Tinguelele...

A door may be shut today
Another opened tomorrow
Dont forget that after the rain. The sun will shine up in the sky

Baba ee (Yahweh)
Holy Shepherd (holy)
Baba ee (Yahweh)
makes impossible be possible
Baba EE (Yahweh)
Omnipotent (holy).
Baba Yahweh
For your name oo
All na grace oo

He will put a smile upon your face
And everything will fall right in place
He will give you what is right for you
what's deserved to you
Just  give him all you are all you have
Now Tinguelele for Baba Yahweh

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