Les paroles de Newsman - WAMS | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Newsman" par WAMS

Call me the Newsman (woman)……….. Call me talkie talkie
Call me the journalist… Coz (Because) am exemplary
Appelez-moi Newsman……………. Appelez-moi talkie talkie
Monsieur le journalist… Coz am exemplary

Am just a messenger… a servant of the people
A messenger… the voice of the voiceless
A messenger… Revolution am re-making
Bringing freedom to the masses… Masses

Verse 1.
As I go about my News – gathering
With my pen my recorder… sometimes my camera
I always try…… I try to write
Balanced stories get my people out of misery
I write these stories so the masses live their history
I work for Radio, Newspaper and television
Say No! to Prejudice…… No!
I have a vision and my mission is so clear

Call me the Newsman
Call me talkie talkie
Call me the journalist
Coz am exemplary
Appelez-moi Newsman
Appelez-moi talkie talkie
Monsieur le journalist… Coz am exemplary

Am just a messenger… a servant of the people
A messenger… the voice of the voiceless
A messenger… Revolution am re-making
Bringing freedom to the masses… Masses

My News is not for sale…….. Oga – Oga ……
Don’t try to get me paid
Though I work day
I work night and earn a little wage
Am trained to serve, so I can get paid
They know I love – They try to get my job ….
 I tell them Get  Trained
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! …………. Oh! Yeah
When am old – When am old
I shall surrender the chance to the youngster…s

Call me the Newsman
Call me talkie talkie
Call me the journalist… Coz am exemplary
Appelez-moi Newsman
Appelez-moi talkie talkie
Monsieur le journalist… Coz am exemplary

Am just a messenger… a servant of the people
A messenger… the voice of the voiceless
A messenger… Revolution am re-making
Bringing freedom to the masses… Masses

Verse 3.
It is time…. For the men of the press to speak….. with one voice
It is time……. For the men of the press to speak ……… with one voice
It is time ….. for the Men of the press to sing …. With one voice….. one Voice

Call me the Newsman
Call me talkie talkie
Call me the journalist… Coz am exemplary
Appelez-moi Newsman
Appelez-moi talkie talkie
Monsieur le journalist… Coz am exemplary

Am just a messenger… a servant of the people
A messenger… the voice of the voiceless
A messenger… Revolution am re-making
Bringing freedom to the masses… Masses


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