Les paroles de Education For Sustainable Development - ARREY ETANG | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Education For Sustainable Development" par ARREY ETANG

It's alright.... Yeah
It's your life you can dream...
You can be whatever you want…
Its your life you can dream

Verse 1 - DeeCy
It's alright, you can be whatever you want, to, yeah
It's your life you can dream, Yeah!
It's alright, you can be whatever you want to
It's your life you can dream 

Do you believe you can change the world
If you believe in yourself
There's so many stories that you can tell
If you revisit your shelf

(Arrey & Deecy)
Let's study all night (all night)
All day (all day)
Till you make it all the way (all the at)
You got to study all night (all night)
All day (all day)
Till we make it all the way (all the at)

It's alright, you can be whatever you want to yeah
It's your life, you can dream yeah! 
It's alright, you can be whatever you want to yeah
It's your life, you can be yeah! 

CHORUS - (x4)
We say yes ohh (x3), to a better Education

Verse 2 - Arrey
Its alright, you can be whatever you want to, yeah
It's your life you can dream yeah
It's alright, you can be whatever you want yeah
It's your life you can dream ohhh

Do you believe you can change the world
If you believe in yourself
There's so many stories that you can tell
If you revisit your shelf

Let's study all night (all night)
All day (all day)
Till we make it all the way (all the at)
So you got to study all night (all night)
All day (all day)
Till we make it all the way (all the at)

Prechorus - DeeCy
It's alright, you can be whatever you want to yeah
It's your life, you can dream yeah! 
It's alright, you can be whatever you want to
It's your life, you can be yeah! 

CHORUS -  (x4)
We say yes ohh (x3), to a better Education
Outro - DeeCy
We say yes (x3), to a better Education

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