Les paroles de Kupshi - BONZYZ | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Kupshi" par BONZYZ

Intro. Ya mami eh,
ya mami eh Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh

Ya mami eh, ya mami eh
Jesus Save Us
Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh

Verse 1
Peace is a good thing
Lets live together so we can grow strong
The world would be great and sweet like bong bong.
Yet Some don't strive for. And I’m so sick.
Tears running down my chicks.
The Mbumland(world) is rotten
Our Elders are ignoring change
The educated are confusing us.
No one is pure enough to enter the Sacred House of the land.
Elders are Dirty Will politics ever stop?
Are we going to come together and build our land?
Or shall we keep being baistic and destroying it?
This message is God sent
Will you receive or reject this ?
We tie down people (progress) like cows
When night falls we slaughter them.
The wicked committing atrocities ,
Like Njangi we shall all pay
The land is full of graves
People dying like fowls Like we have been hit by the bird flow epidemic.
I am crying out to our leaders
Let us all be truthful so that we all can see the light,
Receive blessings and be free from our curses.
Like Christ wants
Outsiders refer to us as pigmies
That we cannot grow tall 
We eat yet don’t grow, Because we have gone astray
Our eye wide open yet we cannot see,Because we have gone astray
Having great elites yet cannot grow, Because we have gone astray
Having Fons who are powerless,Because we have gone astray
Rejected the truth and Embrace evil  and moving backward
Many have taken off to the top Yet we are still at the bottom
People roofing houses with zinc Yet we prefer with grass
Evil has spoiled lots of things.

Ya mami eh,
ya mami eh
Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh
Ya mami eh,
ya mami eh
Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the Nation

Verse 2

Whatever, let it be
I was pushed to fall like an Elephant
But I lipped and landed like a cat
I may not be wealthy but I am blessed with wisdom (words)
Working hard to see that the Wimbum Community Develops.But they do not embrace it.
They saw growth coming my way Then went ahead to bu down the bridge
We(youths) are trying to stand as one Why this clan distinction?
Some claiming to be YA clan
Some TANG Clan
And others WARR Clan
But for me I am a Wimbum first (Like I am Wimbum clan)
Take Banso for example Elites come back home and build mansions
When a Banso man is in authority He tries to make a way for his brothers
But when a Mbum is in power He tries to drop his fellow brothers from their positions.
Whether you are Fon or sub-Chief
Whether you are mayor or Parliamentarian
Whether Business man or Pastor In what way are you contributing toward community development?
The Wimbum land is dissolving like savon
Whether you are Head of State, “we’re all food to the ground”
Whether you are BONZYZ “we are all food to the ground”
Give your children quality Education and see Let them fear God,
These are the last words of a dying man (a will)
I am calling all my people Let’s Come together and leave as one and see
It’s high time we stop all the conflicts all the fighting, enmity and envy Live as one,
fear God and gain Wisdom
We have been fighting for a long time It is time to come together and live as one.
Wimbum Man Stand up
Wimbum Man Stand up
Ya mami eh,
ya mami eh
Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh
Ya mami eh,
ya mami eh
Ya Baba eh,
ya baba eh
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the nation
Leaders Leaders heal the nation


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