Les paroles de A No Go Tire - MYRA MAIMOH | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "A No Go Tire" par MYRA MAIMOH

Iye eh… iye eh… (8x)
Iye eh eh, iye eh eh eh
Oh woh woh woh
Oh woh woh woh

Verse 1:
Finally I find
That your love was all I needed
Was looking for love
In all the wrong, wrong places
No one measure up (no one measured up)
To the love that we shared
Bad I realized it
Too late, too late, to say

Yelelelelelelelele, A no go tire
A no go tire, no go tire, not today oh
Yelelelelelelelele, A no go tire
A no go tire, no go tire, not today oh

Verse 2:
You are my best, the very best
That I… that I ever had
Taught me to believe in myself
How to stand on solid ground
When everything is crumbling down
I can feel that you’re around
Loving me through it all
I’ll find my way right back to you
Coz home is where you are

Yelelelelelelelele, A no go tire
A no go tire, no go tire, not today oh
Yelelelelelelelele, A no go tire
A no go tire, no go tire, not today oh

I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home
I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home
I’m gonna find my way, find my way to you Lord
I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home
I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home
I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home
I’m gonna find my way, find my way to you Lord
I’m gonna find my way, find my way back home

Find my way back home, find my way back home


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