Les paroles de On Va Danser - MYRA MAIMOH | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "On Va Danser" par MYRA MAIMOH

Oooh Oooh

Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va danser
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va Swinger
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh Toujours dans l'ambiance
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va bouger
A Gauche, à droite Put your hands up in the air
A Gauche A Droite Put your hands up in the air

 Verse 1
Oh My Oh My!
I can't believe we're home
I can smell the ocean breeze though my windowpanes
Green red yellow flag, floating in the wind
Delighted by the flavours in the air
Tonight is the night, we gon' paint the city red
Calling all my boys and girls
Its the party of the year, we'll let trouble go
Celebrate with everyone
Put your hands up in the air with me
and shake it till you drop

Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va danser
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va Swinger
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh Toujours dans l'ambiance
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va bouger
A Gauche a droite, put your hands up in the air
A Guache A Droite, put your hands up in the air

Verse 2
Oh My God!
So much love to share
Surrounded by my friends and all my family
Laughter in the air, Kids playing games
People lining up to hit the stage again
Tonight is the night, we gon' paint the city red
All the neighbours joining in
It’s the time of the year
To let worries go
Celebrate with everyone
Put your hands up in the air with me and shake it till you drop
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va danser
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va Swinger
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh Toujours dans l'ambiance
Oh wei oh  oh wei oh On Va bouger
A Gauche à droite, put your hands up in the air
A Guache, à Droite, put your hands up in the air


Spray the money, spray the money. Spray the money, spray the money
Spray the money, spray the money. Spray the money, spray the money
Spray the money, spray the money. Spray the money, spray the money
Spray the money spray the money


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