Les paroles de Nkoh - Meccah Al-Fahid | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Nkoh" par Meccah Al-Fahid

(Verse One)
See money talks me a hear shit
By this time next year me i fly shit
Am on her wanted list boy am on a night shift
Spoil the whole thing put that pussy in a garbage
Me rude boy
Gun click me a murder
All the awards shows no even show no even bother
A carry all the awards other rappers babba
Me no do single gyls call me woman rapper
A deh on top boy a no use na ladder
Took the foot prints of jesus christ our father
A get na two foot but a fast pass okada
A bomb the whole place with ma rap al-qeada

Anytime a shoot a no di miss
Anytime a drop a song it's a hit
This is sound slave we make your ears bleed
Man na nkoh so we take over the streets

Man na nkoh
(Hey hey palace juju palace juju)
Man na man na nkoh
(Hey hey palace juju palace juju)
A scatter place a be na knoh
A no di fall ma koh ki koh

(Verse Two)
A short down the stage with just one song
This ma big chest a nack am like na king kong
Am not a king but am sure to own a kingdom
All this petit rappeur them a chew them like na chewing gum
It's a new era boy, i’m on a fast seven
Blood rush to ma head like passenger eleven
A lay down chicks like na bricks then a spay the whole place
Turn this church into a feast
This is regional
Money pile up we fly international
More love to ma haters
Sound slave we checking shows in nigeria
You know better
Pocket so fat men we getting more chedda

Anytime a shoot a no di miss
Anytime a drop a song it's a hit
This is sound slave we make your ears bleed
Man na nkoh so we take over the streets

[HOOK] (2x)
Man na nkoh
(Hey hey palace juju palace juju)
Man na man na nkoh
(Hey hey palace juju palace juju)
A scatter place a be na knoh
A no di fall ma koh ki koh

Mafy you be nkoh
Dina you be nkoh
Fab you sep be na nkoh
Juju we e commot palace na bad one ehhh

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