Les paroles de Black I am - STANLEY ENOW | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Black I am" par STANLEY ENOW

I am calling the rain, calling the sun
Gasha, Stanley Enow …
Am meant for your skies

Yélélé oh boy you get power
It’s how I feel
African King you di kill me papa
That is what I feel
And I am just feeling like sipping your swagga

She’s sipping my swagga
Baby girl say I be bragga
Mama just leave that palava
Me I no be maga just follow the leader
I may do flaga, you no I no mean for fouacka
Is Stanley enow am the papa, go ask your mama I no want me drama

Ayéé…ééé  Yélilé ééé I can’t resist iyo
Cause I like it fresh and you are Black iyo
Oh boy you get power

Black and Proud, I am made of black
African King you di kill me papa
That is what I feel
(Am calling the rain)
Whenever I see you I think of Mandela
And then you waka na Kunté Kinta
Ma blacky ma blacky di kill me for bella
 I stand for your corner I feel like loupita
(Real African man, Am meant for your skies)

 Ayééééé… yélélilé é I can’t resist iyo
Cause I like it fresh and you are black iyo
Oh boy you get power
Black and proud I am made of black
African king you di kill me papa
(King Kong)
That is what I feel

Stanley eNow
Yeah yeah baby
Black you to go like a lady
Black is higher than Selassie
Faster than hip hop rising
Ça  ment pas , Le black il ne vieillit pas
Rocking my motherland…, sipping ma Guinness with ma brother

Ayéé iyélélé



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