Les paroles de Lineloba - MAGASCO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Lineloba" par MAGASCO

 Na that Bamenda Boy again…
Hey Little Mamy
I go buy you house like Ayaba Hotel
Give you everything that you like,
Pray God say make I make my shine
Hey Little Mamy
I go keep your money like Bicec bank
Make sure say you would never go broke
Pray God say make I make my shine
(When I make my shine)
Line Loba go di line na for sand sand (x3)
Line na for sand sand, Line (line) na for sand sand
(When I make my shine)
Line Loba go di line na for sand sand (x3)
Line na for sand sand, Line (line) na for sand sand
(When I make my shine)

I go spend this money, baby no lie (no lie)
And you go tell your ex-boyfriends goodbye (Goodbye)
There’s no other girl that can change my mind
Pray for me to shine
Cause I’m about to take your problems down

Forget about Mamy Wata (ooh uhh)
Forget about ndjou ndjou Papa (ooh )
Pray na for Papa Jehovah eh, cause everyday He makes me stronger
Forget about Mamy Wata (ooh uhh)
Forget about ndjou ndjou Papa (ooh)
Pray na for Papa Jehovah eh, cause everyday He keeps me fly


I’ll become a movie Star,
Who‘d ever thought I go so far
Bamenda Boy doing it big, so far
Got everybody looking at me like what
Brought a new song, thank you Lord
When my brothers things clown, and we will never gon stop
So unspeakable, what you do to me
So I had to tell my girl

Forget about Mamy Wata (oh oh)
Forget about Ndjou Ndjou Papa
Pray na for Papa Jehovah eh, cause everyday He keeps me stronger
Forget about Mamy Wata (oh oh)
Forget about ndjou ndjou Papa ( oh oh )
Pray na for Papa Jehovah eh, cause everyday He keeps me fly


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