Les paroles de Makandi - SAMA NDANGO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Makandi" par SAMA NDANGO

BlaiseB on the beats....Sama Ndango'ooo . Haaaa… Hehehehehehaha...haaaaa
Wo bah nyonga eh..yo beu nkongui ehh..Sama Ndango toe meuh eh FixIt ehhhh

Bembelebam balabam Bembele bembele bambalabam balabaam
Bembele bambalabam Bembele bembele bambalabam balabaam

See makandi, Small Makandi
Round Makandi, Big big Makandi
Shake, shake dat Makandi, Wine dat Makandi
Shake shake dat Makandi, Wine dat Makandi
Shake shake di Makandi, Argghhh Makandi
Shake shake shake dat makandi ai Ahhhhh

Bembele bambalabam Bembele bembele bambalabam balabaam
Bembele bambalabam Bembele bembele bambalabam balabaam
Bembele bambalabam Bembelebembelebambalabam balabaam
Bembele bambalabam Bembele bembele bambalabam balabaam

Small girl o, Small girl o
I be big boy o, I come from London o
Petit Soeur eh, Petit Soeur eh
I be big boy oh, I come from London oh
For London oh, We no dis see this Makandi
This kind Makandi, eumm

Baby I like your waist o
You killing me with your waist o
Wine and twist your waist o
I am wanting, am wanting your waist o
Chobahhhhhhhhhhh, Yebahhhhhhhhhhhh, Aii


Big mami shake dat Makandi e
Makandi, I want dat makandi e
Makandi oi, Mankandi, I want dat Makandi e
Makandi oi, Makandi eh, Makandi
I want dat Makandi
I I I want dat Makandi
I I I want dat Makandi
Latest Makandi
Brand New Makandi

Baby I like your waist o
You killing me with your waist o
Wine and twist your waist o
I am wanting, am wanting your waist o

Bembele bembele bembele bembele bembele – MAKOSSA
Bembele bembele bembele bembele bembele - MAPOUKA
Bembele bembele bembele bembele bembele – BOTTLEDANCE
Bembele bembele bembele bembele bembele – AZONTO
Bembelebembele bembele bembele bembele - BAH NYIN MBEN ooo, ahhhh
Sama Ndangoooooo, meuh mbani ehhhh, eummmmmmm


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