Les paroles de This Life - GASHA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "This Life" par GASHA

She got a man,
But she don’t want a lover
She want a bad bad man
that will jump right in and give it to her rougher
He got a plan
To buy a range rover
He got a bad bad girl that will jump right in
and make it start over
Ayayayaya ayayayayayaye
ayayayayaye ayayaya

If you be muna for tete, Muna for songo
Muna for sara, Muna for chinchong
You be muna for tete, Muna for songo
Muna for sara, Muna for chinchong

I say the tori be, the tori be (the same)
the tori be, the tori be (the same)
(I say) the tori be, the tori be (the same)
the tori be (yeahhh)
I say the tori be, the tori be (the same)
the tori be, the tori be (the same)
(I say) the tori be, the tori be (the same)
The tori be (Awhhhh)

She got a beautiful baby,
Yi go dumpam for toilet
She got a man that slaps and kicks n smash her to givam a baby,
She got a voice, better than a nightingale’s
But her best friend go take juju calaba for scatter her dreams ohhh!
Ayayayaya ayayayayayaya
ayayayaya ayayaya


You get everything you need,
You get nothing weh you need
All man get trouble fumble mumble inside oh!
You get everything you need
You get nothing weh you need
All man get trouble fumble mumble inside oh!

Ayyayayaya ayayayayayaya ayayayaya ayayyaya
You be muna for sara, you be muna for songo
You be muna for ghetto, you be muna for chinchong
You be muna for sara, I seh you be muna for tete
I seh you be muna for songo I seh you be muna for ghetto …
I tell you seh

The tori be, the tori be (the same)
(I say) the tori be, the tori be (the same)
(I say) the tori be, (the same yeahhh)
I say the tori be, the tori be (the same)
I say the tori be, the tori be (the same)
(I say) the tori be the same (the same) everywhere
Ayyayayaya Ayyayayaya
Ayyayayaya Ayyayayaya Ayyayayaya…


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