Les paroles de Could You Pray for Me - NICK MAYOR | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Could You Pray for Me" par NICK MAYOR

After a long period of time since Nick Mayor dropped one of his memorable starter Hit which is still buzzing on internet and cameroonian Tv's broadcasting "I Need A Dollar" Prod by French college, here is finally another long anticipated single #Could You Pray For Me# this time around in collaboration with JUPITERMUSIC (composed of 3 brilliant beatmakers). This new single is more of a classical rap piece in which Nick Mayor is simply trying to express his mind to his people by demonstrating how mysterious his journey to "somewhere" could be .While waiting on the Video,could you start getting the message of the song by raping the Play Button,Liking,commenting and don't forget to share,Follow too....

Bon Appetite a tous.


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