Les paroles de Give Me a Sign - MISS LENA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Give Me a Sign" par MISS LENA

Don't you find it silly baby
You're there and I am here but I feel like
We're kinda connected baby
We never really talked but when we talk I can complete ya

“B****ch you're crazy ,stop tripping “
That's what my girls say but I can not help it
I just need you so won't you

Give me a sign
And I’ll come to you ....( i'll come to you baby )
Give me a sign
And I’ll come to you ....( i'll come to you baby )

I usually never say
Such silly things but the chemistry is undeniable
I don't mean to scare you off , I know it's unusual but..
I just thought that we could go somewhere to
Talk about those common things we share
I d love to know you better
what s your favorite flavour ?
Chocolate or vanilla ?

“B****ch you're crazy ,stop tripping “
That's what my girls say but I can not help it
I just need you so won't you


Yeah ,you already know you can...
Hit me up on Facebook , call me on Skype
Whatever you like , Whatsapp or Twitter
I mean ...I am on board
You just need to give me that sign


(give me give me a sign… give me give me a sign…..)


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