Les paroles de Doing Me Well - Ulanda | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Doing Me Well " par Ulanda

Set, shoot , viral
Don’t you waste no waste time
I need you
Forever in my life
You fulfill my hearts desires
Everything I want you fire
You are taking me higher
Ofuo ba Che my honey

You light me up like a fire
Wrapped in love like a tire
If you can’t buy you hire
You are the man yeah
Never retire
You light me up like a fire
Wrapped in love like a tire
If you can’t buy you hire
You are the man yeah
Never retire
I could never loose

Your body di doing me well o baby
You di keep e me well o baby
Your love e di doing me well o baby
You di keep me well o
O o o baby

My mummy is happy
My papa must be smiling
My sister and brothers love you
So we could never loose
If I no well you di care for me like baby
Anything I do you Dey my back strong strong
Quand je suis malade
Tu prends soin de moi comme un bébé
Tout ce que je fais tu me soutiens
Ofuo ba oche ma honey

You light me up like a fire
Wrapped in love like a tire
If you can’t buy you hire
You are the man yeah
Never retire
You light me up like a fire
Wrapped in love like a tire
If you can’t buy you hire
You are the man yeah
Never retire
Oooo set my love youuuu

Your body di doing me well o baby
You di keep e me well o baby
Your love e di doing me well o baby
You di keep me well o
O o o baby

Eske the be know
Baby you deserve the best
Na only love so flop inside my chest waaa
It’s only you no one else girl
I'm too obsessed you got them other ladies feeling less
You don bend down change my sense
Baby girl i put you first
Anything for you just make request
When Yari dey wusai the problem first?
Baby you stood the test of time and  
You made me a better man
A no be know say na so love di test
If a get for troumpe ana you  someday  make water carry me go
Wu don over keepam low key time
Don reach the world go finally know
You don métrise façon de vivre ana me you get the reseau
Ano di still member who a be damn this shit is out of control
Dre boi
Eske the even know

Doing me well o baby
Keeping me well o baby
Doing me well o baby
Keeping me well o baby

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