Les paroles de Back To School - Zeeval | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Back To School " par Zeeval

Smash on the beat
Zeeval on the flow nana here

My papa be de tell me
Na only time go reveal us the truth
Yi papa be de tell yi
Na only time go reveal them the truth
Lately, we've come to realize
Alot of things we don't even know
Truly, we've been kept in the dark for far too long
Make wuna hear me
Time don reach you to rise again
Time don reach for we to rise again
Black Melanin is for you queen
I no see why you go de bleach your skin
Make no man no tell you say you be inferior
But for their mind you be na superior

Anytime we unite, na them di break us
Anytime we fight, them wan divide us
Can't you see we get for go back to school
Anytime we unite, na them di break us
Anytime we fight, them wan divide us
Can't you see we get for go back to school
We need some education
We need some education

Zeeval nana yeeee
Them di taking everything back to the white man's land
Them di taking all our gold and our diamonds down
Popopo-oh! Bullets flying we no understand oh oh
Them di taking everything back to the white man's land
Them di taking all our gold and our diamonds down
Popopo-oh! Yeeee  oh oh

My papa be de tell me
Na only time go reveal us the truth
Yi papa be de tell yi
Na only time go reveal them the truth
Black Melanin is for you queen
I no see why you go de bleach your skin
Make no man no tell you say you be inferior
But for their mind you be na superior

Yeeee ehh
What about us
What about
What about us

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