Les paroles de Feeling You - Rinyu | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Feeling You" par Rinyu

Hey! Everywhere you go
I go di follow you, you di lie you di lie

(Give me the mic yo)

Ça a commencé comme ça
Depuis qu'on s'est croisé dans le couloir par hasard
Le look comme dans un sommeil éternel comme ça
Tu sais que je te yamo, je te yamo

Et puis ça
When I start to give complain
That's when you touched me right now
Call me baby boo and just call me right now
I know say you di feel it too

Je t'appelle après mais tu ne répondais pas
I start me to di fear say you no get ma time
You push me for back
You push me for back

You be na my die
Everywhere you go, I go di follow you
You di lie you di lie
Oh baby, I know say you di feel it too
(Oh oh oh)
 I go di follow you
I know you want it too
You do lie you di lie
Oh baby,  You know sey I di feelin you

You be na ma die
Everywhere you go
I go di follow you
You di lie you di lie
Oh baby, I know say you di feel it too
(Oh oh oh)
 I go di follow you
I know you want it too
You do lie you di lie
Oh baby,  you know say I di feel you

On s'est connecté comme ça
Toi et moi un amour si incomparable
Ah meh ba weh bibtchi ni ya nkharr or ya mah
Mkon weh sey magor si en
Et puis ça
I no need fo even fear sey you go tell me bye bye
Hold my hand and just hold it right now
I know say you dey feel it too

Je t'appelle après mais tu ne répondais pas
I start me to di fear sey you no get my time
You push me for back
You push me for back

Sey na your face I want see everyday
When I open my eyes
You're so fine like sugar and spice
All your wahala I go puttam for ma head
I go sleep fo couch you go sleep for ma bed
Mama miyo pikin sweet like kumba bread
I go fight fo you pass Ali Mohammed
(Wayo wayo)
Say every night and day I go only di love you
(Wayo wayo)
Nobody go come near you, I go still dey here
(Wayo wayo)

Wayo wayo, Wayo wayo

You be na my die
Everywhere you go
I go di follow you
You di lie you di lie
Oh baby, I know say you di feel it too (Oh oh oh)
 I go di follow you
I know you want it too
You do lie you di lie
Oh baby,  You know sey I di feel you

You be na my die
Everywhere you go
I go di follow you
You di lie you di lie
Oh baby, I know say you di feel it too
(Oh oh oh)
 I go di follow you
I know you want it too
You do lie you di lie
Oh baby,  you know say I di feel you


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