Les paroles de Together ( Kill'em With It) - BLAISE B | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Together ( Kill'em With It)" par BLAISE B

One hand no fit tie bundle oh bundle oh bundle
Together we go win the battle battle oo battle
On est fort ensemble, On est fort ensemble yeah yeah
On est fort ensemble, On est fort ensemble yeah yeah (yeah yeah)
What if we work together no complain, complain yeh yeh yeh
When the money come we go di share, we go di share yeh yeh yeh
Why can’t you be your brother's keeper eyeah oh no
So we go buy house together yeah yeah oh no

Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)

You no see say when you di vex
Your brother no di feel fine
So make you man-up, stand-up
Open your mouth and say how you fe-e-e-el
If you gimme chop today then you di talk for ma back
Da one na coup d'état
And you di plan say make them silence me them block ma way
Then I go launch attack
What if we work together no complain
Complain yeh yeh yeh
When the money come we go di, we go di share yeh yeh yeh
Why can’t you be your brother’s keeper eyeah oh no
So we go buy house together yeah yeah oh no

Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)

If you talk true you go still die
If you talk lie you go still die
Any how you do you go still die
Ma brother this life na turn by
If you talk true you go still die
If you talk lie you go still die
Any how you do you go still die
Ma brother this life na turn by turn
Why can’t you be your brother’s keeper eyeah oh no
So we go buy house together yeah yeah oh no

Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)
Kill'em with it, Kill’em with it,  Kill'em with it
(Make e di pain them ohoho)

Ma brother fight for what is yours
Don’t let them take away your joy
My sister fight for what is yours
Let no body take away your joy.

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