Les paroles de Who Be Actor - TZY PANCHAK | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Who Be Actor" par TZY PANCHAK

Blue Nation… Sing for dem
It’s Tzy Panchak ooh

Who be actor who be Chefband
Who go save my people from pain
Yeah who be actor who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain

Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe
Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe

Je m’appelle VIVID
Mami dem cry
Say e pikin don die
Na weti go happen
If we no fit survive eh
We want go back for house eh, house eh, house eh
We don tired the forest, forest, forest
Sawa go dey fine some day, some day, some day
Abakwa too need some love eh, love eh, love eh

Who be actor who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain
Yeah who be actor who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain

Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe
Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe

[Vernyuy Tina]
Aaah… Vernyuy Tina Musica
Wonir í dzelen í kwáa
À wuni kuh à rah rah'n

Man no die
Man no die, man no rest
Man no die
Man no die, man no rest

We need freedom of speech
To preach and to teach
La ven yoh à fan, La ven yoh à fan,
Vinyuvi kú wiy adze kijung

Who be actor who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain
Yeah who be actor who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain

Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe
Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe

[Cleo Grae]
No nothing no dey as e be dey
I no know ouside we di go
For à l’époque pays be dey en paix
But for dje e don turn  na different thing wey man no know
Over ndomo sef na sika weti
Palaba ground kako and doe
Budget bi don be before we come
Na me I give you guarantee
Say we go kwara leavam go
But what about our purpose
What about the muna wey dem go before they even start to grow ( I tell you)
What about the famille wey don deplacer
Go cacher for inside foret, no where to go
What about our motto, Peace Work Fatherland
But other people no di feel at home
We need a resolution
And that would peace and justice for our country Cameroon
Es ce que dey even know

Who be actor Who be chefband
Who go save my people from pain
Yeah who be actor WHO be chefband
Who go save my people from pain

Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil eeh eeehe
Mon pays va mal oh
Country don spoil yeeh eeehe

[Tzy Panchak]
All I have to give
All I have to give is love
All I have to give
All I have to give is love
Why you want for kill your brher
Why you want for kill suffer pikin ooh
Aaaha! Chako! Chako sing for dem.



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