Les paroles de Chakara Love - Rinyu | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Chakara Love" par Rinyu

Tell me oh
Tell me oh
Na which kana fire be this
Burning me out into you
Carry me go like mami water
Sweep me off my feet like a tornado, like a tornado
Mh I can't resist it
I swear that you can't stand it

I beg
Wuna leave me that tori , tori tori
Them say I don kolo, kolo kolo
Wuna leave me that tori , tori tori
Them say I don kolo, kolo kolo

This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
Na jaga jaga love oh oh

Some people even talk sey I no know fo love
Even said that I am clingy
Them no know sey I be chakara woman ooh
Loving you in my chakara way
You too dey loving me in your chakara way
Sey make them separate we no way

I beg
Wuna leave me that tori , tori tori
Them say I don kolo, kolo kolo
Wuna leave me that tori , tori tori
Them say I don kolo, kolo kolo

This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
Na jaga jaga love oh oh

Wuna leave me that tori
Them say I don kolo (kolo)
Wuna leave me that tori
Them say I don kolo oh

This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
Take me dey go, chakara dey go
This one na jaga jaga love oh ayieh
Wuna limi make I chakara dey go
Ah ah aahh
Na jaga jaga love oh

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