Les paroles de I'm Shining - Izeyjames | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "I'm Shining" par Izeyjames

Onyamea bisoko, ayayaya
Who I for be if not the part I chosed
Where I for deh if not the light that found me
The light of God
We can see the light is shining
Brighter as the stars of heaven
See his glory everywhere
We are save and not despised, hmm
I'm shining cuz he shined on me
I'm moving cuz he moves with me
I'm shining cuz he shined on me
I'm moving cuz he moves with me

We are the light of the world
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are the hairs of his kingdom
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are save and not despised
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are the reason for his coming
I'm shining brighter than the sun

I'm shining cuz he shined on me
I'm moving cuz he moves with me
Onyamea bisoko
You are the reason for my rising
Onyamea bisoko, ayayaya
Where I for dey if not the light that found me
The light of God
We can see the light is shining
Brighter as the stars of heaven
See his power everywhere
We are save and not despised ehaa
I'm shining cuz he shined on me
I'm moving cuz he moves with me

We are the light of the world
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are the hairs of his kingdom
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are save and not despised
I'm shining brighter than the sun
We are the reason for his coming
I'm shining brighter than the sun

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